Yoga & NanaBowls at Mortimer House


Last week, I was joined by my gorgeous friend Jess Moses, from the stunning @freshlysnapped, for a morning of Yoga & Nanabowls. Jess and I used to work together at Deliciously Ella before we both went our own ways. Jess went on to follow her love for smoothie bowls, starting a hugely successful company in Phuket, Thailand called ‘NanaBowls’. She was over in London for 2 precious weeks so I thought what a better way to celebrate her being here than to bring NanaBowls to London for the first time and collaborate with a beautiful event together!

We brought the sunshine to a chilly London morning at the stunning Mortimer House and had such a perfect morning with a group of fabulous women! 


We started the day with a Vinyasa Flow class, led by me, in Mortimer House’s beautiful Yoga Studio where I guided the ladies through a warming flow designed to bring them full circle through strength and ease with a special international women’s day themed class.

We then headed up The Kitchen Table in Mortimer House where Jess took us through her smoothie bowl workshop. She chatted (and made) all things NanaBowls as we all sat in utter bliss gorging on our own bowl. They are honestly one the best smoothie bowl I’ve ever had- the perfect mix of being thick & creamy & an added bonus that they are good for you. Jess also shared her top tips on balancing hormones and showed us the secrets behind making a killer sugar-free smoothie bowl that’s healthy hormone approved.

It was such a wonderful morning and I can’t wait to drag Jess back to share more NanaBowls with London!



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