Wow. What a 3 months it has been! If you were to ask me at the beginning of September, just how much of a journey I thought this Yoga Teacher Training would be, I would probably have laughed at you and said I’ll just get really fit and do loads of Yoga. But my goodness, how wrong I was! This has been the biggest journey of my life (and I’ve done a lot of travelling).
It’s hard, really, to put into words just what the process has meant to me and how transformative it has been. Becoming a Yoga Teacher has been niggling away in my mind for years and I’m just so thrilled with myself that I was able to take the leap and really commit to doing something I’ve been so close to reaching for. I actually remember being asked to teach Yoga whilst I was working in the U.S and thinking how smug I was that I knew what I was doing… oh how little I knew.
It’s been an overwhelming journey of self discovery, ENDLESS hours of learning Sanksrit (the language of Yoga…I feel like i’ve 200hrs additional on that alone), hours of picking apart poses and priceless time with absolutely beautiful human beings.
I did my training with Frame under Michael James Wong and Emily Clare Hill and honestly I could not have wished for a more nourishing, nurturing and hands on experience. They created such a gorgeous environment for each of us to grow in whilst constantly questioning ourselves and the practice.
I am absolutely a new born baby stepping into this huge Yoga world and I am beyond excited to start growing and throwing my own personality into my Yoga Classes. Watch this space for classes and events to come!